Chairs: M. Demson, A. Wilder
Members: D. Bass, D. Henning, J. Imparato, N. Larrew
1. Call to Order/Welcome/Introductions
2. Public Comment for Items Not on the Agenda
3. Approval of Meeting Minutes (Motion)
Arts Committee Meeting Minutes – December 10, 2019
4. Theatre Row improvement projects
a. Longer meter terms along Santa Monica Blvd.
b. Parking at old DWP lot on Wilcox
c. Cross‐boulevard lighting and gateway signs
d. Morris columns
e. Banners – Petition to hang on north side of street
f. Tree trimming along Santa Monica Boulevard
g. Sidewalk repair
h. Façade lighting
i. Mural project
5. Theatre Crawl
a. Budget (Motion)
b. Theatre Crawl Next Steps ‐ production timeline
6. Media District Gallery/Art Walk
7. Old Business
8. New Business
9. Adjournment/Next Meeting
Thursday, February 13, 2020 at 11:00 a.m.
The Village at Ed Gould Plaza, 1125 N. McCadden Pl., Los Angeles, CA