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Joint Meeting – Finance and Executive Committees

Zoom Teleconference SAFE Committee CA, United States

Zoom Teleconference | | Meeting ID: 823 2440 2543 Chair: J. Luster Members: D. Bass, S. Costello, A. Gardener, N. Larrew, T. Lee, M. Padilla A. Call to Order/Welcome/Introductions B. Public Comment for Items Not on the Agenda C. Approval of Meeting Minutes – meeting of April 9, 2020 (Motion) D. Committee Reports 1. […]

Arts Committee Meeting

Zoom Teleconference Zoom Teleconference, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Board of Directors Meeting

Board of Directors Zoom CA, United States

ZOOM Meeting | | Meeting ID: 832 7410 8162 President: J. Luster Members: W. Anabel, D. Bass, S. Campbell, S. Costello, M. Demson, A. Gardner, R. Groeper, P. Hickey, R. Howard, N. Larrew, T. Lee, A. Massachi, J. Massachi, A. Merhtens, M. Padilla, S. Pan, T. Ragan, B. Scane, C. Short, F. Wehbe, A. […]

SAFE Committee Meeting

Zoom Teleconference SAFE Committee CA, United States

ZOOM Teleconference | | Meeting ID: 674 718 375 Co-Chairs: F. Wehbe, T. Ragan Members: W. Anabel, S. Costello, R. Groeper, A. Mehrtens 1. Call to Order/Welcome/Introductions 2. Public Comment for Items Not on the Agenda 3. Approval of Meeting Minutes (Motion) Thursday, May 07, 2020, SAFE Committee Meeting Minutes 4. Report on security […]

Clean & Green Committee Meeting

Zoom Teleconference Clean & Green

ZOOM Teleconference | Meeting ID: 847 0811 4472 | Chair: T. Lee Members: D. Bass, R. Groeper, R. Howard, B. Scane, C. Short 1. Call to Order/Welcome/Introductions 2. Public Comment for Items Not on the Agenda 3. Approval of Meeting Minutes (Motion) Thursday, May 07, 2020, Clean and Green Committee Meeting Minutes 4. Report […]