Business Improvement Districts (BIDs)
A Business Improvement District (BID) is organized and established by property and business owners to enhance the economic vitality of a downtown or neighborhood commercial area. The cost of BID services is financed by a self-imposed tax on commercial property owners within a defined geography. The tax is a surcharge to the real property tax liability. The tax is collected by the LA County Tax Assessor and revenues are returned to the organization managing the BID. A Board of Directors comprised of business and property owners control the BID and how funds are spent.
Hollywood Media District BID Services
The BID provides enhanced services designed to augment, not replace, those provided by the City of LA, including: security, street cleaning, maintenance and graffiti removal, streetscape improvements, marketing and promotional services and community outreach.
We are led by a 21-member board representing a cross section of Hollywood stakeholders, including merchants, tenants, property owners, cultural and nonprofit organizations.
HMD BID expenditures are used primarily for purchasing supplemental services, which include:
- Maintaining commercial corridors through litter and graffiti removal and landscaping to supplement city services;
- Increasing security through the presence of ambassadors who walk and bike the commercial district;
- Promoting the commercial district and the businesses operating therein;
- Providing homeless and youth services; and,
- Making capital improvements (e.g., street furniture, signage, decorative lighting) to supplement city services

Create, manage and promote a District Identity that will make our neighborhood a desirable place to live, work and visit

Implement Master Plan Concepts on behalf of our community

Improve safety for everyone in the District

Highlight and promote the capabilities of the historic studios and emerging technology of cutting edge firms in the District

Improve transit related infrastructure and promote public transportation

Build parking structures (east and west end of the District)

Maximize shared parking (day and nighttime users)

Make the District more walkable

Improve lighting for both security and beautification purposes
Property Based Special Assessment District
Property assessments are gathered and studied in order to determine the disbursement of special benefits to properties located within the boundaries of the District. These benefits include special programs that address issues of cleanliness, safety, beautification, parking and traffic management, communications, special projects, and administration.
Each program is centered around drawing up and carrying out thoughtful solutions pertaining to specific issues of greatest need. Examples include improving the safety of each individual parcel within the District, increasing building occupancy and lease rates, encouraging new business development, and attracting ancillary businesses and services for parcels within the District.
Since its founding in 2000, the Hollywood Media District has played an instrumental role in maintaining a clean, safe and inviting environment for our neighborhood. The HMD BID Security Patrol has had an essential role in ensuring the security of our residents, tenants, and visitors.
With significant investments in supplemental sanitation, graffiti removal, public safety, landscaping, and advocacy, the District’s Board of Directors continually strives to enhance the commercial desirability of this very special community.
Currently, the HMD has an annual budget of approximately $1.2M and will require another renewal in 2024. Funds are collected through the City of Los Angeles County Assessor’s Office with each stakeholder paying a proportional amount of that budget through their annual property taxes. These assessments pay for the HMD BID Security Patrol, Clean Green Team, other contractors and the BID’s two full-time staff members.
The guidelines for District’s budget expenditures were determined in advance of the District’s establishment and then drafted into an action plan by the District’s 21-member Board of Directors. The HMD has committed a majority of its fund/budget to the HMD BID Security Patrol, while also contributing to Maintenance Teams, Community Improvements, Program Administration, and the City (Recovery Fee aka Contract Management).