President: J. Luster
Members: W. Anabel, D. Bass, S. Campbell, S. Costello, M. Demson, A. Gardner, R. Groeper, P. Hickey, R. Howard, N. Larrew, T. Lee, A. Massachi, J. Massachi, A. Merhtens, M. Padilla, S. Pan, T. Ragan, B. Scane, C. Short, F. Wehbe, A. Wilder
1. Call to Order/Welcome/Introductions
2. Public Comment for Items Not on the Agenda
3. Approval of Meeting Minutes Thursday, January 23, 2020, Meeting Minutes (Motion).
4. Closed Session
The Committees may recess into Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2) to allow the Committees to confer with their legal counsel on pending legal and financial matters.
5. Executive Committee
a. Chart of Meetings.
b. List of Members.
c. Board Member Notebook.
6. Finance Committee
a. 2020 Financial Statement Preparation by CPA (Motion).
b. January P&L and Balance Sheet.
c. Assessments 2020.
7. Arts Committee
a. Mural Project.
b. Lights across Santa Monica Blvd.
c. Other projects advocated by Committee and CD-13.
8. Clean & Green Committee
a. Issues raised by Sharyn Romano, LABT.
b. Adding five cleaning shifts (Motion).
c. Tree trimming in medians (Motion).
d. Meeting with landscapers to improve medians.
9. Marketing Committee
a. Social Media/Vimeo.
a. Website.
b. Board photographs.
d. Newsletter.
e. Logo.
f. Database.
10. Nominating/Board Development Committee
a. Seek additional candidates from District.
11. PLUM Committee
a. 7-11 Revocation of Permit (presentation by Officer Thompson or Brian White).
b. RGS Group North America President, development at 960 La Brea.
c. Status of HCPU-2.
d. Notification from City Planning on applications in BID.
e. Left turn into 99¢ store.
f. Underground powerlines.
g. Report on parking meters.
12. Safe Committee
a. Programs to assist Homeless – BID volunteers, One Corner at a Time.
b. Results from January 23, 2020, Greater Los Angeles Homeless Census.
c. New Contract with AGS (Allied Global).
d. Kerry Morrison Project.
e. Report on meeting with Rudy Salinas.
f. Report on other programs developed by the Safe Committee.
13. Old Business
14. New Business
15. Adjournment
Next Meeting Thursday, March 26, 2020, at 3:30 p.m. Location: The Village at Ed Gould Plaza, 1125 N. McCadden Pl., Los Angeles, CA